
Tuesday 18 March 2014

Malai Kulfi

And before you know it, Holi's here! This past weekend, we celebrated the 'festival of colours', here in India. It is supposed to herald the onset of spring but considering how unseasonally hot it was in my neck of the woods, it felt more like summer. The Indian summer is enough to make me one whiny, bothered, tortured soul but in the spirit of Holi, I won't complain today. I'll leave that for another day. Instead...I'll let you know that I made some 'kulfi' - the Indian answer to no-churn ice-cream!!
And lest you think, I slaved over the stove for hours (although you should know me better by now), I'll also let you know that this is a cheat's version that uses condensed milk and milk powder, halves your cooking time and tastes just as good.
This recipe is, of course, all thanks to my one-stop shop for easy Indian cooking, Tarla Dalal! The recipe uses just four ingredients - milk, condensed milk, milk powder and cardamom powder.
The end result will surprise you. In all likelihood, if you live in India, your kulfi is going to be shop bought. But, let me tell you, this kulfi matches up admirably. I do realise that looking at the photographs you are not going to be convinced. But, I did mention that it was hot and moreover, yours truly is hardly the most adept at unmoulding desserts smoothly. But, take my word, it is creamy and smooth with the right amount of sweetness with the cardamom pairing beautifully. This is the real deal!
Did you go all crazy this Holi?? Did you make something special for the occasion? Tell me!
I wish you and yours a very Happy Holi. Much the like colours of Holi, may your days ahead be coloured with love, happiness and good health!!
Malai Kulfi

Recipe courtesy :  Tarla Dalal. Serves 4


  • 2.5 cups milk
  • 1/2 cup condensed milk
  • 1/4 cup milk powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom (elaichi) seeds
  • Combine all the ingredients together and bring to a boil. Add the cardamom powder.
  • Simmer for 20 to 25 minutes or until the mixture thickens. Cool completely.
  • Pour into 4 kulfi moulds and freeze overnight till firm. If you don't have kulfi moulds, you can set them in shot glasses.
  • To unmould, allow the moulds to remain outside the refrigerator for 5 minutes and then unmould by inserting a wooden skewer, stick or a fork, in the centre of the kulfi and pulling it out.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! although I must admit I am quite embarrassed at my clumsiness when it came to unmoulding these kulfis!

  2. Happy Holi to you Sarvani! What are you talking about the photographs are, as always, amazing and the kulfi looks so inviting and refreshing! It's been very warm here as well and today I think I suffered my first sun-stroke of the season! I just wished I had the will power the get off the sofa and make some now!

    1. Thanks maria.. you are being kind as always!! Come to India,, and we'll show you how bad summer can be...I am already wilting and this is just the beginning.. 3 more months ahead... yikes!!
