
Thursday 2 January 2014

Dark Hot Chocolate

It was a quiet start to the year for me. Down with the flu, I made myself a cup of hot chocolate and decided to make a mental list of resolutions for the year ahead and reflect on the lessons from the past year. But, halfway through the cuppa, all that thinking got me drowsy and I thought to myself, since when did life turn out as intended or as anticipated. So, I ditched the list but that cup of hot chocolate, I kept. If you must know, I even splashed some coffee liqueur into it!!

No one can not like hot chocolate. I like mine with dark chocolate and flavoured with cinnamon and orange. And this one is no ordinary "milk with sugar and cocoa" hot chocolate. This is milk with some cream that is infused with cinnamon and orange zest, heated and then poured over some chopped chocolate. The hot, flavoured milk will melt the chocolate and result in the most delicious, thick hot chocolate that just keeps getting thicker and more chocolaty as it cools.

Depending on your taste, substitute the dark chocolate with milk chocolate if you want it sweeter and play around with milk-cream ratio to get the desired consistency.

I leave with you some of my favourite cookbooks that have enthralled and inspired me ever since I've started writing this blog. Some have taught me, some have appealed to my fuss-free nature, some have taught me to work with fresh and seasonal produce and some have simply spoken a language I could connect with.

A dear friend recently told me, "The best is yet to come..". With that beautiful sentiment in mind, I wish you and yours, all the best that life has to offer in 2014!! Happy New Year!!

Dark Hot Chocolate 

Serves one.

  • 150 mls milk
  • 2 tablespoon cream
  • 50 gms dark chocolate, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cinnamon stick
  • zest of one orange
  • splash of rum/coffee liqueur (optional)
  • Place the chopped chocolate in a mug.
  • Put the milk, cream, cinnamon and orange zest in a saucepan. Heat it on a medium flame and take it off the heat, just before it is going to boil. 
  • Strain the milk mixture through a sieve onto the chocolate in the mug.
  • Keep stirring till the chocolate melts.
  • Add a splash of rum/coffee liqueur, if you like. Serve.


  1. Just one word...Yummy !! Wish you a exciting and happy new year Sharvani :)

    1. Gauriiii!!! Long long time!!! Happy 2014 to you and everyone at home!! Much love..

  2. OMG YOU have the what katie ate book! DROOOOL..
    I hope youre feeling better. The hot chocolate looks like it might have done the trick :)

    1. Revati!! You'll love the book.. its just gorgeous!! It was my end of the year present to myself... there was a sale on flipkart!! :)) am better.. but you know how the viral is just seems to drain you out.. blah!!

  3. Happy new year . The hot chocolate sounds wonderful even though I am not a great one at having milk , will have to try it. Lots of love and looking forward to blog in the months to come.

    1. Thank you Apa.. and Happy New Year to you and everyone in Udaipur!! :)) This hot chocolate once it starts cooling down is more like melted chocolate and less milk!!! :) Catch you later!
