
Monday 7 October 2013

Sitaphal (Custard Apple) No-Churn Ice Cream

In the food blogging world, October is 'pumpkin' month. Every day, all this month, my inbox will have at least one pumpkin post. But, here's the thing, for all its celebrated status in America, the pumpkin has a more modest, humble status, here in India.
For starters, we get this vegetable all year round and almost always, it's prepared as a savoury dish. So, not for us is the hype that surrounds the pumpkin. For me, even the idea of pumpkin in desserts, is taking its time getting used to!!
But, if October is the month of pumpkins in America, here in India, it is the month of custard apples, or sitaphal as we call it. They are all over the market, right now and here for the shortest time possible.
It falls in the category of fruits, best eaten alone. Savoured at leisure, as you make your way through the fruit, removing the flesh from the seeds, one at a time. It is added to a few milk-based Indian desserts but the one dessert that wins hands-down with my entire family is Sitaphal ice-cream. And none of that artificially flavoured stuff please, but the real stuff, that is ice-cream flavoured with real fruit pulp.
The recipe I turn to does not require an ice-cream maker and it does not even require you to make a custard. It is so fantastically easy and does the job brilliantly. I was introduced to the recipe by my friend Vini, who made a fig and honey version of this ice-cream. Over the summer, I saw versions of this no-churn ice-cream on Aara's blog and then, the domestic goddess herself, Nigella got into the act with a no-churn coffee ice-cream. With fabulous reviews all round, about time, I gave it a go!!
Scroll down and read the recipe and you'll see for yourself, how easy it is!! Don't get too fussy about its consistency, this is along the lines of a soft serve ice-cream. And no, there will be no ice crystals to worry about. The standout point of this ice-cream is that it has none of the artificial taste that is associated with commercial ice-cream. You will taste the fruit in all its honesty.
I have used sitaphal, but feel free to use any soft fruit that's in season for you. I had tried it with mango over the summer and it was much appreciated. Look around the market and the possibilities are endless.
In India, the weather in October, gets hotter before it gets any cooler. Perfect weather for a scoop as you look forward to the upcoming festive season!!
Sitaphal (Custard Apple) Ice Cream

serves 8 (the recipe can be easily halved)
  • 1 x 400 gms can condensed milk (In India, one can use 'Nestle' or 'Amul Mithai Mate')
  • 400 mls double cream (I use Amul cream and it works just fine!!)
  • 1.5-2 cups sitaphal pulp (Take care to see that all the seeds have been removed. I will leave it to your discretion on how much pulp you would like to add)
  • Place the cream and condensed milk in a bowl. Whisk them together with a hand blender, for approximately two minutes, until the mixture feels lighter and fluffier.
  • Then add the fruit pulp with a hand whisk, blend it into the cream mixture. Do taste the mixture and check whether you'd like it to have more fruit.
  • Pour this mixture into an air tight container and freeze, preferably overnight.
  • Serve straight from the freezer.


  1. I am already searching for this fruit Sarvani.. Will make this and let you know

  2. i love custard apple but yet to cook with it. this is awesome. looks so so good.

    1. Then you must try this Sayantani... My whole family (and that includes uncles, aunts and cousins) are crazy about sitaphal ice-cream.. you wont be disappointed.. and this is ridiculously easy!! Drop by again!!

    2. hey saru love this recipe.. it seems soo easy.. love your blog.. am surely going to try the sitaphal icecream recipe

    3. kavs!!! what an absolutely pleasant surprise to see you here!! I thought of this ice-cream, thinking of the number of times we would come to the naturals at marine drive to have sitaphal ice-cream.. this one comes pretty close!! hugs!! :)

  3. Wow.. that ice cream looks so tasty,..

    1. It was Rumana.. please do try it if you are at a place where you get sitaphals!!

  4. I have never eaten Sitaphal and I rarely see it on the market but when I do I will definitely get some
    I love how easy and simple this icecream is! I am pinning it to try soon!

    1. I have a better idea Sawsan... why don't you hop over here.. and I'll serve you some!! :)) But do have a look at Nigella's ice-cream recipe.. looks super easy.. and a delight for coffee lovers!!

  5. Aaaargh!!! I adore, ADORE Custard apples! They are the delight of autumn and I always wanted to make something out of them, barring of course, the gorgeous juices/shakes made with them. I never thought of using sitaphel for a no-churn ice cream. Definitely on the list! Gorgeous photos Sarvani :)

    1. Thanks Carrie!!! It is one of those fruits.. best had all by itself..everyone at home is just crazy about the fruit. and these no-churn ice-creams are the new rage at home.. am going crazy experimenting.. next stop.. coffee and roasted almond ice-cream!! :)

    2. Oh definitely one recipe that's doing the rounds. On the FB group, there's been a chocolate and raspberry ripple one which sounded amazing as well. Have fun experimenting! I adore coffee and almonds in ice cream. My favourite Baskin Robbins one is the Jamoca Almond fudge with chocolate sauce and topped with almonds! Heaven!

    3. where do you think I got the idea for the coffee and roasted almonds?? Baskin Robbins!!! :)) chocolate and raspberry ripple sounds divine.. am thinking also along the lines of adding some limoncello with figs (??).. ..oh now u've got me started!!!

  6. Sitaphal ice cream is the ONLY flavour I love and go back for at Naturals! And these days, theyre ALWAYS out of stock, and I have been disappointed for about a year now. Returning without satisfying my sitaphal ice cream cravings. I have to try this out, seems like it was made for me :)

    1. Same here!! My family only goes to Naturals for the sitaphal ice-cream..I think that's why I always had this idea to try out this flavour! Over the summer, I tried the mango ice-cream.. that too, was fantastic!!

  7. Custard apple ice cream is extraordinarily delectable. I love your post thanks for sharing
